Fisher-Price Rainforest Rainbow Piano
This day I'll introduce you about Fisher-Price Rainforest Rainbow Piano from amazon website you can see now
Customer Shopping BuZZ
Expected more
I wish Amazon had put the age groups that this was intended for.This is actually for a 3 month old and I was looking for 6+ months.
It took 8 days to come from Phil. Pa to Dover,De (about 120 miles). The USPS is SLOW.
OK, but the notes chosen are annoying!
I bought this for my son who is still a little too young for this (He'll be 5 months this week). When looking for entertainment, I grab it sometimes and play a few little songs on it for him. He likes to listen sometimes. So far he only spins the spinners with his feet and not his hands (how he figured that out I don't know!).
The thing that kills me on this and the reason I only gave it 2 stars is that whoever designed this must not have been a musical person. I am a music teacher so this is really irritating to hear--the notes from left to right on the toy are F, G, A, B, C. The B should be a B-flat for a proper scale. When you play the notes in order the B natural (yellow) just sounds terrible b/c it does not belong in that scale. My friends are joking and probably rightly so that my son is going to grow up with a funky musical scale in his head and think it's correct. I think the only things I could play on this were Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb and the theme from Dvorak's New World Symphony. If they had made that a B-flat instead of B natural then we'd have endless possibilities!
My daughter likes the ball better
We got my daugher this and the rainforest chime ball and she seems more interested in the ball - she likes this but only for about 2 or 3 minutes then she is bored
About Fisher-Price Rainforest Rainbow Piano detail
- Amazon Sales Rank: #116 in Baby Product
- Size: NO SIZE
- Color: NO COLOR
- Brand: Fisher-Price
- Model: M2601
- Released on: 2008-04-18
- Fabric type: plastic
- Dimensions: 9.50" h x 3.25" w x 10.38" l, 2.50 pounds
- Now from Fisher-Price, a rainforest-themed music-maker!
- Baby rolls five brightly colored wheels that make music by striking five connected keys.
- The rollers and keys are surrounded by plastic casing that resembles the rainforest.
- There is a handle at the top of the keys so that mom can take the product on the go.
- Baby will have fun rolling the brightly colored wheels to make music of their very own.
Product Description
This is a rainforest-themed music-maker. Baby rolls five brightly colored wheels that make music by striking five connected keys. The rollers and keys are surrounded by plastic casing that resembles the rainforest. There is a handle at the top of the keys so that mom can take the product on the go.
Source From animateshop-20
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